Infinity – Shasvastii Expansion Pack Alpha


Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $55.00.

Infinity – Shasvastii Expansion Pack Alpha

2 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 4608 Categories: , Tags: , ,


The Shasvastii Expeditionary Force distinguishes itself with an abundance of light troops who exploit the Shasvastii skills for concealment, deception, and treachery. This is done to achieve a maximum amount of fear and paranoia in the hearts and minds of their enemies.

This box includes 3 miniatures: One Mentor with Shock Marksman Rifle, one Haiduk with MULTI Sniper, and one Cadmus Hacker. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Shasvastii collection you started with the Shasvastii Action Pack