Dystopian Wars: Empire Support Squadrons


Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $50.00.

Dystopian Wars: Empire Support Squadrons

Available on backorder


Despite orders to the contrary, Captain Vanya Sokolov gave the command to push forward to attack the flank of the Diyu class vessel ahead. After months patrolling the Sea of Okhotsk finally, there was action and an enemy to fight. If he achieved the first kill, it would only be a matter of time before a promotion was due. Surely the cursed Commodore Belyaev only wanted him to hold back so that he could get the honour of first blood. Captain Sokolov couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship of the Diyu as he closed the distance. The jade green tiles that covered the roofs, ornamental dragonheads cast onto the muzzles of guns and the rich golden lacquer made the Empire ships look like works of art, glinting in the sun. Sokolov vowed to take one as a prize and gave orders to flank the squadron of Diyu and prepare the marines for boarding. As the Kutsov under his command broke formation he could almost hear the cheers he’d receive once this battle was over. Soon, the reverie was blown away as the Empire ships began to turn on the spot, a manoeuvre impossible for the Commonwealth ships. It was then that Captain Sokolov realised that his pride had come before his fall and he slipped back into his chair with resignation. His last thought was a prayer of forgiveness before he and the scores of men under his command were engulfed in alchemical flame.


  • 2x Diyu Immolation Cruisers (may also be built as Yaoji, Mekong, Wuhan, Lantau or Qiang Class)
  • 1x Yanshi Firebase
  • 2x Hexie Hover Zebeks
  • 2x Escort
  • 2x SRS Landing Troops

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly will be required.